
Information regarding the schedule 2024-2025

Technical training takes place on Tuesdays and open training on Wednesdays

We, as the only handball team in Wageningen, welcome everyone who has played handball and also who hasn’t experienced handball but wants to try it out! Our normal training schedule starts from the 2nd of September on. We have open training for all level players on Wednesdays. And for people who want to learn more techniques we have technical training on Tuesday.

Normal training schedule:
Tuesday 21.00-22.30 @Hall 4, Sports Centre the Bongerd
Wednesday 20.30-22.30 @Hall 2, Sports Centre the Bongerd

During sports right free weeks (02-09-2024 – 22-09-2024 & 10-02-2025 – 21-02-2025) feel free to join us by directly going to the sports hall. After this time, people who want to experience training can still send us an email to try one training out. Tune in to our social media to catch up clinics information, tournament schedule and our amazingly interesting activities!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us via email: whv.centauri@wur.nl. We are looking forward to playing handball and enjoying university life with you!

Information from 2023-2024 and older

Academic Year 2023-2024

Information regarding the schedule 2023-2024

Technical training takes place on Tuesdays and open training on Wednesdays

We, as the only handball team in Wageningen, welcome everyone who has played handball and also who hasn’t experienced handball but wants to try it out! Our normal training schedule starts from the 19th of September on. We have open training for all level players on Wednesdays. And for people who want to learn more techniques we have technical training on Tuesday.

Normal training schedule:
Tuesday 21.00-22.30 @Hall 4, the Bongerd
Wednesday 20.30-22.30 @Hall 2, the Bongerd

During sports right free week (4/9-24/9) feel free to join us by directly going to the sports hall. After this time people who want to experience training can still send us an email to try one training out. Tune in to our social media (right corner of the page) to catch up clinics information, tournament schedule and our amazingly interesting activities!

Academic Year 2022-2023

Information regarding the schedule 2022-2023

Sportsrights free training on 15th February 2022 and regular trainings taking place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

After the restriction loosened, we already restart our regular training, sprinting across the court and making beautiful shots. It is never too late to join us if you would like to play handball and make friends!

At the beginning of Period 4 is the Sportsrights Free Week (from 14th until 20th February 2022) and all the students are welcome to join our clinics for all levels of players on Tuesday, 15th February 21.00 – 22.30. From the next week on, we give open trainings every Wednesday 20.30 – 22.30 for beginners and experienced players. Also on Tuesdays we offer technical trainings for members who would like to have high-intensive and more advanced trainings. All the trainings take place in Sportshall de Bongerd (Bornsesteeg 2, Building 130, 6708PE Wageningen) on Campus. If you are interested in joining the clinics or our open trainings, please send an email to whv.centauri@wur.nl and we are looking forward to playing handball with you!

Academic Year 2021-2022

No more restrictions!

We are back in full force this fall! Both our ladies and gents are playing handball matches and training hard. It’s not too late for you to join if you would like to! Just send us an email at whvcentauri@wur.nl

This year we have also improved our subscription system to protect our amazing association from potential fines. So make sure to have your sports rights up to date!

Start of new Academic Year 2021-2022

Are you moving to Wageningen this year and would like to continue playing handball away from your hometown? Or were you inspired by the clinics at the AID or de Olympic games and do you want to try out an exciting new sport? Or do you just want to make new friends? Then you found the right association! We are the student handball club of Wageningen and next to playing handball, we love to organise activities together or just have a drink after trainings!

We welcome students with or without handball experience at our open training, which take place every Wednesday 20:30-22:30. Our first training of the new academic year will take place Wednesday, 01-09-2021 at 20:30. In the second and third week of the academic year we give clinics for beginning handball players to learn the basics of handball. These will take place on Tuesday (see schedule below for starting time). On Tuesdays we also have advanced training from 21:00-22:30. All the trainings take place in Sportshall the Bongerd (Bornsesteeg 2, Building 130, 6708PE Wageningen) on Campus. Because of current measures we need to know who join our trainings, so please use this signing up form for trainings or send us an email (whv.centauri@wur.nl).

Hope to see you there and if you want more information, you can always send an e-mail to whv.centauri@wur.nl!

Academic Year 2020-2021

End of the Academic Year 2020-2021

Summer weather is pretty much upon us! Have you been training with us outside on the fake grass Wednesdays 17h30-19h?

Let us know if you would like to join by putting your name on the sign up list sent in the Whatsapp group or send us an email if you are not yet on the Whatsapp! Please send your email to: whv.centauri@wur.nl

Have a fantastic end of the year!

Trainings and Corona: October Update

With the new Dutch rules concerning our health safety come new rules for group sport training. Please click here to have a look at our safety protocol.

The main points to remember are to sign up for training and wear a mask whenever you are not training. You can add your name to the sign up list sent in the Whatsapp group or send us an email if you are not yet on the Whatsapp. Please send your email to: whv.centauri@wur.nl

Training is scheduled every Wednesday from 20h30 until 22h for now. See you then!

Annual Introduction Days 2020

Are you moving to Wageningen this year and would like to continue playing handball away from your hometown? Or do you want to try out an exciting new sport? Or do you just want to make new friends? Then you found the right association! We are the student handball club of Wageningen and next to playing handball, we love to organise activities together or just have a drink after trainings! If you want to get in touch with us feel free to reach out to us at the Sports market on 14./15.8 and 19./20.8. during the AID or convince your mums/dads to try out handball during the sports days 🙂 If you prefer online communication, no worries – send an email to whv.centauri@wur.nl and we will be in touch!

To get you in the mood we created this 3-minute video where you can see us in action on the field as well as during our activities!

Information regarding the schedule of the academic year 2020-2021

We are back! After some time out due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we will continue with our regular training schedule after the summer holidays. We hope to see you all back on the field. 

We welcome students with or without handball experience at our open training, which take place every Wednesday 20:30-22:30. For experienced handball players who want to train at a high level, we have higher-intensity training every Tuesday 21:00-22:30. Our first training of the new academic year will take place Wednesday, 02.09.2020 at 20:30. All the trainings take place in Sportshall the Bongerd (Bornsesteeg 2, Gebouw 130, 6708PE Wageningen) on Campus. Hope to see you there and if you want more information, you can always send an e-mail to whv.centauri@wur.nl!

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